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Children’s Home Society of California
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County Program Profile: Orange
Time Period: 2019–2020
QRIS :: Quality Start OC
Quality Start OC is a community partnership, led by the Orange County Department of Education, focused on raising the quality of early learning programs across the county. Quality Start OC focuses on four key areas: Raising community awareness on the importance of investing in high-quality early learning, so all Orange County’s children have a strong start Supporting parents who are looking for early learning experiences for their children by providing them a directory of resources, local programs, quality rating scores, and information on how to choose a quality program Supporting educators and child care providers who are seeking to improve the quality of their programs‚ this includes the Quality Start OC that provides training and technical assistance to all types of early learning programs throughout the county. Goals and Objectives for CSPP Sites: Only CSPP sites will receive formal assessments and ratings per Ed Code. These programs will follow the updated site rating periods provided by Quality Counts CA. During the year that sites are rated, they will receive technical assistance to prepare them for their formal CLASS assessments. CSPP sites will continue to focus their CQIP goals on the QCC Rating Matrix. In addition, sites will gain understanding of the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and learn how that framework can guide the integrated application of DRDP, Foundations, CLASS, Pyramid Model, supports for DLL, inclusive practices, and play-based curricula. CSPP sites not rated at 4-5 stars will receive coaching support. Sites rated at 4-5 stars will work with a Quality Start OC navigator/coach, who will provide technical assistance in completing their annual CQIP goals, as well as monitoring visits to ensure continuity of quality. Customized coaching and professional learning will be available to CSPP sites on a fee-for-service basis, with the exception of communities of practice and transition to kindergarten technical assistance, which are free of charge. To facilitate communication between Quality Start OC and participating centers, a weekly email is sent out with updates, links to professional learning opportunities, and community announcements. Center directors are invited to fall and spring leadership meetings to give participants further opportunity to share feedback. Recruitment goals for CSPP sites: Currently, all CSPP sites in Orange County are participating in Quality Start OC. Quality Start OC will continue to add new CSPP sites/classrooms at existing agencies as they become licensed. Operating the Quality Start OC QRIS (Quality Rating and Improvement System) Funded through grants from the California Department of Education, California Department of Social Services and First 5 California, Quality Start OC sets standards for early learning program quality, rates programs on a five-star scale, and provides resources to support continuous quality improvement (such as coaching, training, and technical assistance).
County Contact Information
Elida Garcia
Funding Streams
- In partnership
- CSPP QRIS Block Grant
- QCC Quality Improvement Grant
- IMPACT Legacy Hub Professional Learning funding through Universal Prekindergarten (UPK)
- Planning and Implementation Grant
- Early Education Teacher Development Grant Certification grants
Partner Agencies
- Children and Families Commission of Orange County
Process to Outreach/Onboard Programs and Providers
We have a recruitment lead who regularly visits community events, agencies, and organizations to share information about Quality Start OC.
Quality Improvement Program Support Strategies
CSPP QRIS Block Grant funds are directed to local block grants for sites rated in tiers 4 and 5. Programs are eligible for a block grant the year after they receive their first rating and every year thereafter. Programs rated at tier 3 or below will receive an incentive, coaching, and technical assistance to support quality improvement in effort to advance to either tier 4 or 5. All programs receive access to free professional learning and navigation which includes director level support with the development of a continuous quality improvement plan as well as technical assistance.
Local Approach to Offering Financial Incentives and Stipends
We have limited funds for cash incentives, preferring to focus on coaching and professional learning. Our non-California State Preschool Program (CSPP) Block Grant centers receive $500 per site annually as an incentive, along with a free membership to a professional organization of their choice (NAEYC or EveryChild). Family child care participants receive $300 per year, along with a professional membership (NAFCC or NAEYC).
How Children Are Served by QCC
QCC Settings
Children Served by Setting
Overall Child Characteristics and Services Provided
Children’s Races and Ethnicities
QCC Tier Rating Distribution
Language Spoken with Children
Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) Goals
The coaching staff positively impacted our program. Teachers shared and expressed enthusiasm and measurable growth in performance after coaching sessions. Thank you!
Center Director
Success Story
A Center Director shared: Participation in Quality Start OC helped us improve the quality of our program by supporting positive teacher-child interactions. Additionally, the free professional learning opportunities have allowed our private preschool to limit our tuition increases.
A Family Child Care Owner/Educator shared: Me ha motivado a superame: regresar a la escuela, reorganizar mi childcare, and tratar mas profesionalmente a los padres.