SAVE THE DATE: Equity-Centered Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) Advisory Panel
The California Department of Social Services is pleased to announce the fourth convening of the Equity-Centered QRIS Advisory Panel.
The California Early Childhood Mentor Program (CECMP), funded by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS), certifies Mentor Teachers and Director Mentors throughout California in order to provide leadership and guidance to college students and to those entering the early childhood education (ECE) profession, or changing roles within the field.
The California Preschool/Transitional Kindergarten Learning Foundations (PTKLF) outline key knowledge and skills that most children ages three to five and a half years old can achieve when provided with the kinds of interactions, instruction, and environments that research has shown to promote early learning and development.
First 5 California’s Dual Language Learner Resource Guide was designed to support early learning programs that serve young dual language learners (infants, toddlers, and preschoolers). The guide includes resources that highlight evidence-based strategies to improve the quality of instructional practices and interactions with young dual language learners, including partnering with families in this effort.
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The California Department of Social Services is pleased to announce the fourth convening of the Equity-Centered QRIS Advisory Panel.
The California Department of Social Services is pleased to announce the third convening of the Equity-Centered QRIS Advisory Panel, December 9, 2024, from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m
The Early Learning and Care Trainer Reflection Tool outlines evidence-based practices grounded in research on equitable approaches to adult learning, professional ethics, and trainer competencies. It complements and expands on information in California Early Childhood Educator Competencies—Supplemental Performance Area: Adult Learning and …
This brief summarizes the key highlights from the Shared Services Alliance Pilot as it approaches the end of the 2-year implementation period. Data from the contractors, partner agencies, and participating ELC providers are used to illustrate key learnings.
The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) is offering three Nutrition and Physical Activity (NPA) Forums in 2024. The forums highlight and demonstrate methods for integrating nutrition education, edible gardens, wellness policies, and physical activity into child care centers and homes. Participants will learn ways to create …
The California Department of Education, the California Department of Social Services, and First 5 California are pleased to share School Readiness Consulting’s (SRC) community report, Re-imagining a More Equitable QRIS: The Quality Counts California (QCC) Equity Project. The QCC Equity Project research study was designed to identify inequities …
The Role of Regional Hubs in Quality Counts California IMPACT brief describes how Regional Hubs support training and professional development for technical assistance providers, coaches, trainers, and quality rating and improvement system administrators and how they promote equity through their activities. The brief also discusses Regional …
This brief summarizes initial key learnings of the First 5 California investment in the Shared Services Alliances (SSA) pilot program, which launched in April 2022. The brief begins with an overview of SSAs, including how they function. The brief then describes the SSA pilot in California, supported by First 5 California. Finally, initial …
As part of California’s Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative, the Office of the California Surgeon General (CA-OSG) is offering a free, online professional learning module designed to help early care and education personnel respond to trauma and stress in children. The content included in this toolkit can be used to help CA-OSG …
Would you like to know more about child care licensing in your state or resources for children with special needs? Do you need to contact someone about child support, health care for your family, or help paying for food or heat? The California Resources page of ChildCare Aware provides information on a variety of organizations […]
Disclaimer | Copyright © 2025. Funded by First 5 California, in partnership with the California Department of Education and the California Department of Social Services.