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North Coast Opportunities, Inc. Rural Communities Child Care
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County Program Profile: Mendocino
Time Period: 2019–2020
QRIS :: Quality Counts Mendocino
Quality Counts Mendocino is a countywide, collaborative initiative dedicated to improving quality through support of early learning and care providers and programs. Center-based classrooms and sites that receive California State Preschool Program (CSPP) funding may participate in our Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS); non-CSPP-funded providers and sites may still participate in Quality Counts Mendocino without receiving a tiered rating. North Coast Opportunties/Rural Communities Child Care provides coaching and stipends to home-based providers and the Mendocino County Office of Education (MCOE) provides coaching for center-based providers.
County Contact Information
Maddie Torrey
Funding Streams
- CSPP QRIS Block Grant
- QCC Quality Improvement Grant
- IMPACT Legacy
- Workforce Pathways
Partner Agencies
- Mendocino Office of Education
- North Coast Opportunities/Rural Communities Child Care
- First 5 Mendocino
- Head Start Child Development Program
Process to Outreach/Onboard Programs and Providers
Outreach is done through our staff, partner agencies, and countywide meetings and events. New programs and participants are enrolled as funding allows.
Quality Improvement Program Support Strategies
Quality Counts Mendocino coaches work with sites and providers to co-create quality improvement plans and write actionable steps to complete them. As funding allows, sites may also receive coaching according to frameworks such as Teaching Pyramid and Embedded Instruction. Quality Counts Mendocino also hosts an annual professional development opportunity, Play in Practice, for providers from all settings.
Local Approach to Offering Financial Incentives and Stipends
Through Workforce Pathways, individuals may receive stipends for completing higher education courses and/or participating in qualifying professional development.
How Children Are Served by QCC
QCC Settings
Children Served by Setting
Overall Child Characteristics and Services Provided
Children’s Races and Ethnicities
QCC Tier Rating Distribution
Language Spoken with Children
Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) Goals
“[It’s] awesome because it…gives us the tools to be able to help children and help them be confident [and] responsible.”
Center-based teacher
Success Story
In 2024, Quality Counts Mendocino held our inaugural annual conference, Play in Practice, which was the first countywide early learning and care conference since the pandemic. Eighty-two providers attended from various settings (home-based, private centers, state preschool, Head Start). Feedback included: “It was a great experience for my first time in a conference,” “Everything was so meaningful and I learned a lot,” and “It helped me more to understand what is going on in the child’s mind.”