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Plumas Rural Services
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County Program Profile: Plumas
Time Period: 2022–2023
QRIS :: Plumas STARS
Plumas STARS (Standards, Training, Assistance, Resources, Supports) is our local Quality Improvement (QI) System. Plumas STARS supports individuals and agencies providing early learning and care to the children of Plumas County. Our overall goals are to provide individualized and customized support to all providers of care in all types of settings.
County Contact Information
Elisabeth Welch, Pamela Becwar
Funding Streams
- CSPP Block Grant
- QCC Quality Improvement Grant
- Workforce Pathways
- Plumas Early Education & Child Care Council
Partner Agencies
- Plumas Unified School District
- Feather River College
- Plumas Early Education and Child Care Council
- Plumas Rural Services- Child Care Resource and Referral
- Sierra Cascade Family Opportunities Head Start
- First 5 Plumas
Process to Outreach/Onboard Programs and Providers
The program manager/early learning specialist for Plumas STARS works closely with the local resource and referral (R&R) and Child Care Payment Program. The R&R disseminates our brochure to potential friend, family, and neighbor (FFN) providers and family child care providers, and it is also included in their provider newsletter. The Child Care Payment Program also disseminates our brochure to FFN providers that they work with. Information is also shared at workshops/trainings and is available on our website. Once an application is received, an initial visit is scheduled to learn more about their program and how we can support them. During this visit an agreement will be signed if the individual/program decides to participate in Plumas STARS.
Quality Improvement Program Support Strategies
Coaching/mentoring, and technical assistance is offered through quarterly visits and may have increased frequency based on individual program needs. Assistance in developing quality improvement goals and plans with resources and incentives to support your goals. Free training and professional development opportunities are offered in collaboration with our community partners. Professional growth advising is available.
Local Approach to Offering Financial Incentives and Stipends
The incentive amounts are set based on the program type/setting. All participating sites create a Quality improvement plan. Participants are encouraged to participate in Workforce Pathways and CDTC.
How Children Are Served by QCC
QCC Settings
Children Served by Setting
Overall Child Characteristics and Services Provided
Children’s Races and Ethnicities
QCC Tier Rating Distribution
Language Spoken with Children
Plumas STARS provides tools to help me grow as a provider and supports me in offering an environment where children learn and grow.
Family Child Care Provider
Success Story
A Family Child Care Provider shared: Working with Plumas STARS and learning about setting up environments has made a world of difference in my learning center. Everything flows so smoothly.