San Joaquin
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County Program Profile: San Joaquin
Time Period: 2022–2023
QRIS :: San Joaquin/Raising Quality!
San Joaquin County’s voluntary Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS), Raising Quality!, serves programs countywide and is administered by First 5 San Joaquin for Improve and Maximize Programs so all Children Thrive (IMPACT 2020) and by the San Joaquin County Office of Education for the California State Preschool Program (CSPP) QRIS Block Grant, Quality Counts California Block Grant, and the Quality Counts California Workforce Pathways Grant. Since 2016, more than 200 QRIS/Quality Improvement System (QIS) sites have been rated and/or received support to improve quality. The San Joaquin County Raising Quality! Consortium supports continuous quality improvement of early learning and care programs countywide by ensuring they are informed of the QRIS and assisted in progressing along the CA-QRIS Quality Continuum Framework. The Quality Continuum Framework has five levels and measures several elements of program quality, including:
1. Child Development and School Readiness
2. Teachers and Teaching
3. Program and Environment Programs participating in Raising Quality!
May be eligible to receive material awards, monetary quality improvement awards, block grant awards, resources, coaching, and access to trainings and workshops.
County Contact Information
Brandi Harrold
Funding Streams
- Improve and Maximize Programs so all Children Thrive (IMPACT 2020)
- California State Preschool Program (CSPP)
- QRIS Block Grant
- Quality Counts California Block Grant
- Quality Counts California Workforce Pathways Grant
Partner Agencies
- Family Resource & Referral Center
- San Joaquin Delta College
- Council for Quality Education & Care for Children (Local Child Care Planning Council)
Process to Outreach/Onboard Programs and Providers
Raising Quality! benefits from a diverse network of partners and stakeholders who have worked together since the implementation of the Race to the Top–Early Learning Challenge. The Raising Quality! Consortium engages in ongoing outreach to and recruitment of additional partners, particularly private centers and family child care homes, and family, friend, and neighbor providers (FFN). Specific outreach and networking strategies include a written Raising Quality! update provided at monthly Council for Quality Education and Care of Children (CQECC) meetings; a monthly newsletter emailed to interested parties; and participation in bimonthly meetings facilitated by CQECC for local Early Learning and Care Division contractors and in partnership with community-based organizations focused on outreach and engagement of specific underserved populations. Raising Quality! partners act as QRIS ambassadors, educating the public about the importance of quality in early education and care. As ambassadors, consortium members are responsible for keeping quality early learning a core focus of all discussions and integral to any planning or community-building activities throughout the county. Specific outreach strategies targeting programs include a website, social media (Facebook), newsletters for participating providers, and word of mouth. Outreach and recruitment efforts targeting CCTR and CFCC providers include informational and individual program meetings, telephone conversations, email correspondence, and word of mouth in collaboration with partner agencies, such as the Family Resource and Referral Center. The QRIS is also represented at meetings that CCTR and CFCC providers attend, including CQECC, Raising Quality! Task Force, Early Educator Growth and Development System (EEGADS), and San Joaquin Early Learning and Care Division (ELCD) contractor meetings. San Joaquin County Office of Education QRIS staff have also conducted outreach through family childcare provider socialization events.
Quality Improvement Program Support Strategies
To increase the quality of early learning programs, the Raising Quality! Consortium engages in training, technical assistance, coaching, professional growth advising, conducting of assessments and rating visits, and sharing of information and resources within the early learning community. Regular communication and collaboration among lead agencies, partners, and stakeholders promotes effective professional development opportunities and shared understanding of quality of early education and care. In addition, the Continuous Quality Improvement Pathways/Goals link to the Quality Continuum Framework that are incorporated into coaching, technical assistance, and other quality improvement activities. The formation of cohort groups has helped establish long-term relationships between participating early childhood education programs that support ongoing quality. The Raising Quality! Consortium engages all providers (Center-based, FCCP, and FFN) by offering trainings that emphasize best practices and has developed an annual cycle of trainings based on the Core Tools and Resources document. An internal countywide training calendar was created to minimize duplication and double-booking. Lead agency staff collaborate with the California Preschool Instructional Network and WestEd to provide local trainings at least once each year on DRDP-2015, DRDP Meaningful Observations, ASQ and ASQ-3, Environment Rating Scales, Classroom Assessment Scoring System, Preschool Learning Foundations and Frameworks, Preschool English Learner Guide, California Teaching Pyramid/Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL), Program for Infant/Toddler Care, and Strengthening Families–Five Protective Factors Framework. In addition, FFN caregivers may have an opportunity to participate in a series of trainings using the Growing, Learning, and Caring curriculum, which focuses on the role of the caring provider as well as safe and healthy practices. The Raising Quality! Consortium staff works with program staff and FCCP and FFNs to develop and implement a personalized Quality Improvement Plan to address individual areas of need and identify support strategies. Participants are able to initiate quality improvement efforts at multiple points of entry based on the elements of the Rating Matrix. A variety of resources, supports, and incentives are offered at each entry point. Cohorts of family child care providers form a community of learners who receive resources, trainings, coaching, and technical assistance from Raising Quality! Consortium staff.
Local Approach to Offering Financial Incentives and Stipends
The Raising Quality! Consortium offers a variety of incentives and support mechanisms. In addition to the yearly cycle of core resources and tools trainings, there are opportunities for cohorts of early educators to participate in California Teaching Pyramid module training and coaching to improve their knowledge of and skill in serving children with challenging behaviors and other high needs. Those who complete the module trainings gain valuable professional knowledge and may be eligible to receive a stipend.
How Children Are Served by QCC
QCC Settings
Children Served by Setting
Overall Child Characteristics and Services Provided
Children’s Races and Ethnicities
QCC Tier Rating Distribution
Language Spoken with Children
Success Story
Learn more from the video below.