QCC Higher Education Faculty Group Quarterly Meeting June 11, 2021 9:00 a. m. – 10:30 a.m.
Topic: California Early Childhood Mentor Program (CECMP)
Join a discussion about the California Early Childhood Mentor Program. Representatives from the CDE, CDSS, and F5CA will share updates and listen as we discuss ideas on how to support early childhood practicums in California.
Register for the QCC Faculty Quarterly Meeting June 11, 2021: https://wested.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIscu-prD8uHdIqLCD10wB4QozGgcwSofv7
Future dates for QCC Faculty Group Quarterly Meetings:
- Sept. 17, 2021
- Dec. 3, 2021
- March 4, 2022
- June 3, 2022