Coaches and Trainers
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New Online Learning Modules for Trainers Who Work with California’s Early Childhood Workforce
How to Develop and Facilitate Effective Training is a series of seven online modules that provides a comprehensive overview of the qualities, knowledge, and skills of effective early childhood …
Early Learning and Care Trainer Reflection Tool
The Early Learning and Care Trainer Reflection Tool outlines evidence-based practices grounded in research on equitable approaches to adult learning, professional ethics, and trainer …
New Online Learning Series for California’s Early Learning and Care Professionals
Please spread the word and share these series of learning experiences with your colleagues. In January 2023, California Health and Human Services Agency (CalHHS) and California Department of …
California Early Learning Video Streaming
The California Early Learning Video streaming is a free online service where users can access California’s early education videos on one simple platform. Go to California Early Learning Videos to …
PD2GO (Professional Development 2 Go) is an innovative approach to early childhood professional development based on this research. Each professional development experience (or “pack”) included …
Save the Date: Equity Centered QRIS Advisory Panel
The California Department of Social Services is pleased to announce the third convening of the Equity-Centered QRIS Advisory Panel, December 9, 2024, from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m
Early Learning and Care Trainer Reflection Tool
The Early Learning and Care Trainer Reflection Tool outlines evidence-based practices grounded in research on equitable approaches to adult learning, professional ethics, and trainer …
Safe Spaces Toolkit from the California Surgeon General’s Office
As part of California’s Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative, the Office of the California Surgeon General (CA-OSG) is offering a free, online professional learning module designed to …
Creating Meaningful Learning Outcomes
The Quality Counts California Creating Meaningful Learning Outcomes resource provides information on how to create learning outcomes that are both grounded in research and meaningful for early …
Learning Opportunities
New Online Learning Modules for Trainers Who Work with California’s Early Childhood Workforce
How to Develop and Facilitate Effective Training is a series of seven online modules that provides a comprehensive overview of the qualities, knowledge, and skills of effective early childhood …
PITC Trainer Certification: 2024-2025 Virtual Trainer Institute
The Program for Infant/Toddler Care (PITC) will offer a fully virtual PITC Trainer Institute for the 2024-2025 year. The PITC Trainer Institute provides a supportive community of practice model …
New Online Learning Series for California’s Early Learning and Care Professionals in Simplified and Traditional Chinese
First 5 California supported two module series to be translated into Simplified and Traditional Chinese. The modules translated were specifically selected by early learning and care professionals …
Trauma Informed Practice: Relationships at the Center of Promoting Children’s Well-Being and Healing
The California Department of Social Services (CDSS), in partnership with WestEd, is delighted to announce the launch of a two-hour online professional development module designed for early …
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