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Catalyst Community
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County Program Profile: Alpine and Mono Consortium
Time Period: 2022–2023
QRIS :: Childcare Quality System
All child care sites in Mono and Alpine Counties choosing to participate in the Childcare Quality System are offered an array of supports‚ including professional development, stipends, advising and coaching. Six sites have been rated in the system that began in July 2015. The Mono Alpine Childcare Quality System has five levels of quality, which include measuring the following elements: (1) Child Development and School Readiness; (2) Teachers and Teaching; and (3) Program and Environment. Sites that choose to fulfill a minimum of 21 hours of professional development for at least 50 percent of their staff and conduct Ages and Stages Questionnaires qualify for a minimum annual stipend of $500 and up to $3,500. Early ducators participating in coaching recive a stipend of at least $2,000 annually.
Goal: Improve the system supporting quality early learning for all children from birth to age five and support improved outcomes for sites, early educators, children, and families.
Mission: Develop and sustain a strong system to support quality child care in Mono and Alpine Counties
Vision: Facilitate the creation and implementation of an integrated, comprehensive, and collaborative system of information and services to enhance optimal early childhood.
Priority Areas
Child Focus
All children have access to:
- Developmental screening and follow-up coordination of early intervention services as needed
- Daily school readiness activities
- Programs inclusive of children with special needs
Family Focus
All families have access to:
- Education and encouragement on selecting quality programs
- Programs and resources to support understanding and enhancement of their child’s development
- Engaging programs including partnerships between child care providers and families
Program Focus
All programs—and the early childhood educators in them—have access to:
- Training, support, and technical assistance
- Transition to kindergarten support
- Coaching based on assessments
County Contact Information
Molly DesBaillets
Funding Streams
- CSPP and QCC QRIS Block Grants
- Local and Hub IMPACT
- Child Development Training Consortium
- Mono and Alpine LPC and R&R
Partner Agencies
- First 5 Alpine
- First 5 Mono
- Inyo County Superintendent of Schools
- Cerro Coso Community College
- Catalyst Community
- Alpine County Office of Education
- First 5 Inyo
- Mono County Office of Education
Process to Outreach/Onboard Programs and Providers
We engage in orientation, beginning- and end-of-the-year meetings with providers, web posting, and distribute flyers with Alternative Payment checks. All providers are eligible to participate. Outreach occurs at the end of August and beginning of September.
Quality Improvement Program Support Strategies
We use coaching, training, Professional Learning Communities, and advising to develop Quality Improvement Plans and communities of practice.
Local Approach to Offering Financial Incentives and Stipends
We provide a site-level end-of-year stipend through IMPACT and QCC Block Grants based child and teacher counts. Additional stipends come from the Board of Supervisors. For the California State Preschool Program, stipends are based on the site’s tier rating.
How Children Are Served by QCC
QCC Settings
Children Served by Setting
Overall Child Characteristics and Services Provided
Children’s Races and Ethnicities
QCC Tier Rating Distribution
Language Spoken with Children
Going in the right direction with the QRIS, all interested in helping the children be the best they can be. All the agencies working together to do it; DRDP is required and long, but effective and necessary. Greater familiarity with QRIS and ASQ now, more ideas generated because people know what they are.
Center Director
Success Story
Children who qualify for special needs services are identified by Early Educators by the program-required ASQ assessment process and families have support through a home visitor accessing assessments with specialists to learn if the child can recive services.