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Valley Oak Children’s Services
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County Program Profile: Butte
Time Period: 2022–2023
QRIS :: Steps to Quality
The Butte Quality Initiative’s QRIS Steps to Quality is implemented by Butte County Office of Education’s Child Development Programs and Services. Steps to Quality currently serves 30 programs in Butte County. Since its inception, Butte’s Quality Initiative has been committed to identifying effective strategies to support the unique needs of our communities’ providers and early childhood educators. More than 30 sites are receiving quality improvement supports and incentives. Steps to Quality includes the continuum of quality improvement (QI) through QRIS and measures elements of program quality for child development and school readiness, teachers and teaching, and program and environment. Participation and quality improvement incentives are available in addition to comprehensive coaching and related professional development. The QI and Quality Improvement System (QIS) sites receive training, and technical assistance is provided.
County Contact Information
Funding Streams
- CSPP QRIS Block Grant
- IMPACT 2020
Partner Agencies
- Butte College
- Butte County Office of Education
- Butte County Local Child Care Planning Council
- California State University, Chico
- E Center Head Start
- First 5 Butte County Children and Families Commission
- Thermalito Union Elementary School District
- Valley Oak Children’s Services
Process to Outreach/Onboard Programs and Providers
Any licensed child care provider, family friend and neighbor serving children 0–5, or alternative setting program, including home visiting and play groups, are eligible to apply. Program applications are accepted on a revolving basis annually as space allows. A soft deadline for program applications is set in September of each year. Outreach is conducted by word of mouth, with an early learning listserv, and through the local resource and referral agency. Applications are available at www.stepstoquality.org.
Quality Improvement Program Support Strategies
Steps to Quality has a layered system of quality improvement supports dependent on provider readiness. All programs receive technical assistance and support in developing goals related to the Quality Continuum Framework. Programs participating in rating additionally receive more intensive coaching support.
Local Approach to Offering Financial Incentives and Stipends
Dependent on participation level either QIS or QRIS, programs will receive a materials and participation incentives upon completion of a quality action plan. Individuals whose site is participating in Steps to Quality are also eligible to receive stipends and other financial support for completing professional development or obtaining education units toward completion of an AA/BA through the Workforce Pathways Funding.
How Children Are Served by QCC
QCC Settings
Children Served by Setting
Overall Child Characteristics and Services Provided
Children’s Races and Ethnicities
QCC Tier Rating Distribution
Language Spoken with Children
We love our Steps to Quality staff; they go above and beyond with support and guidance for our program.
Center Director
Success Story
A Center Director shared: We appreciate the coaching and direction from the coaching specialists. The input was helpful for both improving environments, but also identifying professional development for staff. As a result of our involvement we developed [professional learning communities] without [a] teaching team.