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Changing Tides Family Services
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County Program Profile: Humboldt
Time Period: 2022–2023
QRIS :: Humboldt Quality Counts
Humboldt County’s Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) program, Quality Counts Humboldt, is administered by a Consortium consisting of First 5 Humboldt, Changing Tides Family Services (CTFS), and the Humboldt County Office of Education (HCOE), as well as other supporting agencies. Consortium members and Quality Counts staff housed at each of the agencies, including the IMPACT, QRIS and QIG Coordinator and the Workforce Pathways Advisor, work closely together to administer all four of these Quality Improvement grants under the QCC umbrella. The California State Preschool Program (CSPP) Block Grant uses the QRIS Quality Continuum Framework – Measured Quality Elements with six rating areas (and five levels): (1) Child Observation, (2) Developmental and Health Screenings, (3) Minimum Qualifications for Lead Teacher, (4) Effective Teacher-Child Interactions, (5) Ratios and Group Size and (6) Director Qualifications. The Quality Improvement Grant (QIG), Improve and Maximize so all Programs can Thrive (IMPACT Legacy) grant and Workforce Pathways grant, have a stipend structure based on hours of Professional Development or units of Higher Education that the participants complete. Support offered to participating programs and individuals includes peer coaching, development of Quality Improvement Plans, technical assistance and assessments as needed for the rating process.
County Contact Information
Star Mohatt
Partner Agencies
- First 5 Humboldt
- Humboldt County Office of Education
- Changing Tides Family Services
- Cal Poly Humboldt State University
- Local Child Care Planning Council
- College of the Redwoods
- Northcoast Children’s Services
- Yurok Tribe
- Hoopa Tribe
Process to Outreach/Onboard Programs and Providers
Our county is geographically large and very rural, with long driving distances between some communities. There is very little childcare of any kind in some of the outlying areas, and each community has some of its own unique characteristics, needs, and culture to be considered when we publicize grants. We engage in consistent outreach to eligible programs who either have not participated yet or who participated for several years and then did not reenroll. Much of our outreach is based on relationships we have cultivated through many combined years in the ECE field in Humboldt County and we continually call on these relationships to increase our outreach and encourage those providers that have not yet chosen to participate in a grant, have not yet heard about the grant opportunities, or are new to childcare, to apply to participate. Outreach is also conducted via publicity on social media, occasional direct mailings to eligible programs, emailing of flyers and information to eligible programs, phone calls to teachers and providers, informational meetings scheduled at least once a year, word of mouth, and announcements at various meetings and trainings throughout the year.
Quality Improvement Program Support Strategies
Our coaches are or have been childcare providers themselves and work other full-time jobs in addition to coaching grant participants. We remain committed to a peer coaching model with coaches who can share lived experience as well as technical support and expertise in the development of Quality Improvement plans, setting goals, and providing technical assistance. Professional development offerings to grant participants have included: ASQ trainings, and start-up kits, CLASS assessments and follow-up reports, (for CSPPs due for rating only), CLASS intro Training, Workforce Registry training, Hubbe training and Technical Assistance and Reflective Practice. Additionally, grant participants have access to CCIP training at the R & R, CPIN training and other local and online options for professional development. IMPACT or Region 1 Hub sponsored trainings open to all have included Reflective Practice, Emotion Coaching, Racial Equity for Early Childhood series, Trauma Informed Practice, ASQ training, Rainbow Kits training and CoPs, Strengthening Families 5 Protective Factors series, Outdoor Classroom Principles, Heart-centered Self-Care, Teaching Pyramid TK Module Training, and several sessions at the First 5 Humboldt Annual Symposia. Consortium members are also part of a Trainers Collaboration that meets quarterly with other agency trainers to coordinate scheduling and sharing of professional development opportunities.
Local Approach to Offering Financial Incentives and Stipends
CSPP Programs participating in QRIS are rated with the Quality Continuum Framework – Measured Quality Elements, with rating Tiers 4 and 5 eligible to receive stipends. Tiers below that receive coaching to help bring them up to the next tier. Participants in the QIG, IMPACT and Workforce Pathways grants participate as individuals and their programs are not rated. Individuals can earn stipends based on the number of Professional Development hours or Higher Education units completed.
How Children Are Served by QCC
QCC Settings
Children Served by Setting
Overall Child Characteristics and Services Provided
Children’s Races and Ethnicities
QCC Tier Rating Distribution
Language Spoken with Children
From a Spanish-speaking Family Childcare Provider who has participated in the IMPACT, QCC & Pathways grants:
“I opened my Daycare in June 2016 as a childcare provider. During these past eight years I have grown in my profession, thanks to the training offered that has filled me with knowledge which I have implemented in my work. Trauma training is necessary in our community since we have a high rate of children who are experiencing and or have gone through traumatic events. Personally, the knowledge has made a positive impact in the care I provide to better help the children in our community. The importance of children spending time outdoors and its benefits in reducing stress. Without forgetting the training on how to use the ASQ questionnaire, with this questionnaire I can know the exact area I have to focus on. My most valuable tool is to help children who need help in some areas of development. Parents and I communicate in order to provide successful development and allow the child to always be the beneficiary. Thank you very much for everything you do for me as a child care provider.”
Play Group Leader/Recreation Division
Success Story
From an FFN provider:
“As a grandmother providing child care for my granddaughter, the Pathways Program has helped me to learn about ways to support her social-emotional wellbeing. I have gained increased knowledge and understanding about how to respond to her unique sensitivities and individual needs. I feel like I am a part of a community of Family, Friend and Neighbor child care providers who, alongside professional early childhood educators, are helping to nurture and support the next generations.”