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Kings Community Action Organization
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County Program Profile: Kings
Time Period: 2019–2020
QRIS :: Kings County CARES About Quality
The ultimate aim of the Kings County CARES About Quality program is to promote high-quality standards within the early care and education field; to work with child care agencies and community partners to determine the best course of action to leverage knowledge and resources and eliminate duplication of services; and to inform the public on what high-quality programming includes.
County Contact Information
Rebecca Villa
Funding Streams
- QRIS Block Grants
- Workforce Pathways Mixed Delivery Grant
- Early Educator Teacher Dev. Grant
Partner Agencies
- Kings Community Action Organization Resource and Referral
- Kings County First 5
- West Hills Community College
- Kings Early Education Planning Council
Process to Outreach/Onboard Programs and Providers
ECE Consultants visit new providers at their site and share the benefits of participating in Kings County CARES About Quality program. ECE Consultants share the new provider packet; which introduces new sites and staff to our program, ECE Consultants also provide a professional development calendar and flyers of financial incentives programs offered.
Quality Improvement Program Support Strategies
Kings County CARES About Quality (KCCAQ) has four coaches assisting sites; however, we also have contracted with our partner agencies to provide on-site coaches with which KCCAQ provides continuous training and support.
Local Approach to Offering Financial Incentives and Stipends
Modest stipends are offered to first-time attendees of full-day trainings. Also, a modest participation grant is offered to sites participating in ratings.
How Children Are Served by QCC
QCC Settings
Children Served by Setting
Overall Child Characteristics and Services Provided
Children’s Races and Ethnicities
QCC Tier Rating Distribution
Language Spoken with Children
Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) Goals
KCCAQ-CARES program has overall raised the quality of care in my child care home. Being able to do in-class trainings and in-home coaching made it convenient and a great experience. Their program prepared me for ratings, and improved communication and relationships with my clients. Being part of their program also gave more awareness to the importance of the first 5 years and made me more aware of staying up to date on state changes.
Owner, Large Family Child Care Home
Success Story
A Program Director, Head Start Programs in Kings County shared: Our participation with QRIS has empowered staff to strive for high-quality learning environments for children. Our partnership began in 2016; since then centers have maintained a Tier 4 rating or above. In 2019, nine sites were rated; six received the highest rating of a 5, and 3 maintained a Tier 4 rating.