Los Angeles
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Child Care Resource Center
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Children’s Home Society of California
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Connections For Children
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Crystal Stairs, Inc.
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Mexican American Opportunity Foundation
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Options for Learning
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Pomona Unified School District
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Child Care Alliance of Los Angeles
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County Program Profile: Los Angeles
Time Period: 2022–2023
QRIS :: Quality Start Los Angeles
Quality Start Los Angeles (QSLA) is Los Angeles’ county-wide Quality Improvement System (QIS) designed to empower early learning providers to build upon and improve the quality of care they provide to children ages birth to five.
We do this by supporting those working in Los Angeles County’s mixed-delivery early learning system, including licensed child care centers and family child care homes, through professional development, specialized trainings (virtual and in-person), individualized program supports, and access to cutting edge resources and funding opportunities. By partnering with providers, we are coming together to ensure all children receive a quality start in life.
Our partnership with families takes a similar approach, providing them with tools and resources to understand the elements of a quality program for their child, how to be involved in their child’s early learning journey, and how to select a program that is right for them. Families can search for participating early learning locations in their area and view details of their QSLA participation, which provides a snapshot of the program.
County Contact Information
Luis Bautista
Funding Streams
- CSPP QRIS Block Grant
- QCC QI Block Grant
- IMPACT Legacy
- QCC Workforce Pathways
Partner Agencies
- Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE)
- First 5 LA
- Child360
- Child Care Alliance of Los Angeles (CCALA)
- The Los Angeles County Office for the Advancement of Early Care and Education (OAECE)
- The Child Care Planning Committee (CCPC)
- Partnerships for Education, Articulation, and Coordination through Higher Education (PEACH)
Process to Outreach/Onboard Programs and Providers
Providers who are interested in voluntarily enrolling in QSLA complete an online application so that their agency/site may be placed on the QSLA waitlist. The online application is found on the QSLA website at https://qualitystartla.org/apply-for-qsla/. The online portal is used to track interest and to notify eligible providers when there is an open enrollment period based on funding. Some eligibility criteria that QSLA uses to enroll providers include local planning council high-priority areas, providers referred by CDE consultants, and whether the provider is in one of the First 5 LA Best Start Communities. Outreach strategies include emailing existing CSPP agencies so that they can enroll non-participating sites, posting on QSLA’s social media platforms, and recruiting with the help of Resource and Referral agencies.
Quality Improvement Program Support Strategies
QSLA’s quality improvement system includes two quality improvement models: 1) Fundamental model is for family child care and centers that are not state funded, and 2) Comprehensive model is designed for CSPP sites who are assessed and rated on all Quality Continuum Framework elements.
The Comprehensive QI activities are focused on the adapted QCC Quality Continuum Framework (includes Classroom Assessment Scoring System [CLASS]) for FY 2023-24 and site needs. QI activities available to Comprehensive sites vary based on the site’s tier rating. Comprehensive sites at a tier 1-3 develop Quality Improvement Plans at the classroom/session-level. The teaching team of each CSPP classroom/session will co-create personalized QIPs with their coach that are related to the QCC Quality Continuum Framework (including CLASS), and site and/or teaching team needs. Comprehensive sites at a tier 1-3 receive a minimum of six (6) touchpoints for each of its CSPP classrooms/sessions. For example, if a site has only one CSPP classroom/session they get six touchpoints, if a site has two CSPP classrooms/sessions they get 12 coaching touchpoints, etc. Touchpoints can consist of individual session coaching and multiple session (group) coaching, in addition to establishing QIPs and providing resources to achieve their QIPs. Comprehensive sites rated at tier 4-5 develop Quality Improvement Plans at the site-level. A site lead(s) will co-create QIPs with their coach that are related to the QCC Quality Continuum Framework and site needs. Comprehensive sites at a tier 4-5 receive a minimum of six (6) touchpoints with the site lead(s) to establish site QIP and provide resources to achieve their QIP. A site can opt out of site level support and transfer the support for coaching of (1) CSPP classroom/session or multi session coaching.
The Fundamental QI activities are focused on resources like the California Early Childhood Educator (CA ECE) Competencies [English and Spanish], Quality Counts California Continuous Quality Improvement Pathways and site needs. Fundamental sites develop Quality Improvement Plans at the site-level. A site lead(s) co-creates QIPs with their coach that are related to the site’s needs. Fundamental sites receive a QIP meeting to create goals for the program year. Follow-up meetings are conducted to check in on goals, provide resources and support to match action plans. Fundamental sites are invited to participate in Peer2Peer Connections, which is a professional learning community that is facilitated by their coach and is attended by a group of QSLA providers.
Lastly, all QSLA sites have access to in-person, virtual and self-paced professional development trainings on the QSLA training calendar [English, Spanish, Manderin] located at https://qualitystartla.org/early-educators-professional-development/.
Local Approach to Offering Financial Incentives and Stipends
Incentive amounts vary by a provider’s tier rating and by their enrolled QI model. Comprehensive incentives are based on the tier rating attained after a full matrix assessment. CSPP providers with Tiers 1-3 receive a Quality Improvement Grant: Tier 1 at $1,000; Tier 2 at $2,000; and Tier 3 at $4,000. CSPP providers who earn a Tier 4-5 receive a Quality Achievement Award: Tier 4 at $6,000 and Tier 5 at $8,000. Providers enrolled in the QSLA Fundamental Model receive an annual financial incentive of $600 per enrolled site.
How Children Are Served by QCC
QCC Settings
Children Served by Setting
Overall Child Characteristics and Services Provided
Children’s Races and Ethnicities
QCC Tier Rating Distribution
Language Spoken with Children
“The professional training that I received through QSLA has given me the knowledge that I need in order to be more successful. QSLA has also supplied us with educational materials, furnishings and it has given us a better opportunity to give the children more”.
FCC Owner, Judith Terrell
Success Story
There are several videos on the QSLA website highlighting provider testimonies on their participation in QSLA. Impact videos are found on the QSLA Youtube Channel at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQuUUZB8sX4&list=PLZHH3XOgT56dMqGXNvmt33mGqhAfLbBlX