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Marin Child Care Council
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County Program Profile: Marin
Time Period: 2022–2023
QRIS :: Marin Quality Counts
Marin Quality Counts is a collaborative initiative promoting excellence in early care and education for programs, providers, and families. Our work includes the Qualty Improvement System (QIS) and Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) for Marin County. Marin Quality Counts is administered by the Marin County Office of Education and Marin Child Care Council. The Marin Quality Counts Consortia is composed of the Marin County Office of Education, Marin Child Care Council, First 5 Marin, College of Marin, the Marin County Child Care Commission, Title 5 Directors Group, California State Preschool Program Directors Group, Marin Head Start, Family Child Care Association, and the Marin Association for Education of Young Children.
Marin has resumed QRIS Rating of CSPP sites following the pandemic. The Marin Quality Counts QRIS has five levels and measures several elements of program quality including (1) Child Development and School Readiness, (2) Teachers and Training, and (3) Program and Environment. Sites rating at the highest tiers of Mastering High Quality Standards or Exceeding High Quality Standards receive recognition and access to incentives and block grants specific to their grant funding. Non-CSPP programs recieved supports such as coaching, professional development, and incentives for professional and academic achievement.
County Contact Information
Tanya Taylor
(415) 499-5889
Partner Agencies
- Marin County Office of Education (LEA QCC LCPG)
- Marin Child Care Council (R & R)
- First 5 Marin
- College of Marin
- Marin County Child Care Commission (LPC)
- Title 5 Directors Group
- CSPP Directors Group
- Marin Head Start
- Family Child Care Association
- Marin Association for the Education of Young Children
Process to Outreach/Onboard Programs and Providers
Enrollment is open, and interested programs are invited to apply online or in person. Coaches support the recruitment efforts. CSPP sites participate in the QRIS level, while all other sites participate in the QIS level. MarinCOE and MC3 send out regular email blasts to the early care and education community. New programs meet with MQC staff and coaches, if applicable, to learn more about opportunities. Free professional development is open to the public, and many of the new programs have been recruited after being involved in high-quality professional development activities. MarinCOE provides coaching and mutual learning communities to center based classrooms participating in ongoing professional learning, and MC3 provides coaching and provider cafes to FCCH, FFN and other eligible center based classrooms.
Quality Improvement Program Support Strategies
Marin Quality Counts offers coaching, mutual learning communities, technical assistance, professional development, leadership development, opportunities for peer learning (professional learning communities/cohorts), CLASS, ERS, TPOT, observations/assessments and data.
Local Approach to Offering Financial Incentives and Stipends
Marin Quality Counts provides professional development stipends aligned to specific intensive training cohorts (Teaching Pyramid and Anti-Bias), academic stipends for successful completion of 3 to 6 units toward degree completion or permit attainment, reimbursement for college tuition and textbooks, and incentives/stipends for participating in 21+ hours of Marin County Quality Counts professional development. Materials and books related to professional development are provided for participants. California State Preschool Program (CSPP) sites receive Block Grants for high tier ratings (4/5), and non-CSPP sites receive classroom materials to support social‚ emotional development, anti-bias, and inclusive practices.
How Children Are Served by QCC
QCC Settings
Children Served by Setting
Overall Child Characteristics and Services Provided
Children’s Races and Ethnicities
QCC Tier Rating Distribution
Language Spoken with Children
“The Marin Quality Counts Program (MQC), has been an invaluable partner over the years. MQC has been a strong supporter of our teachers and administrative staff, providing numerous professional development opportunities and coaching sessions to enhance our professional growth. Additionally, the program has offered stipends, incentives, and mini grants that significantly contribute to improving our learning environment.” – Center Director
“The Marin Quality Counts (MQC), has been a great factor for my professional development throughout these 8 years as a teacher. The program opened the doors to a dream that I had since I was a child and that I never thought I would achieve. During my beginnings as an assistant teacher, the program helped me with some workshops to increase my knowledge. As time went by, the program offered me more intense and learning-filled trainings such as The Teaching Pyramid, Anti-Bias Education, Early Literacy in a Diverse Society, and many other workshops. I want to emphasize that one of the most important workshops called Coaching as Optimistic Leaders, National Coach Learning Network, has made a huge impact on me. This Mutual Learning Community has helped me in my work today as a preschool teacher leader, mentor, and as a Coach in Teaching Pyramid. Thanks to MCOE-ECE I am able to get quality education so that I can provide quality learning experiences to children and families, and to inspire other teachers. MCOE-ECE has not only helped me in my profession, I consider them like my family.” – Teacher
Center Director
Success Story
“In recent years, our team has actively participated in various initiatives, such as the Teaching Pyramid, Anti-Bias Education, Outdoor Classroom Project, Early Literacy in a Diverse Society, and numerous other workshops, summits, and classes taken individually by our teachers. These experiences not only enhance the quality of our program and the services we offer but also foster team building among our staff.” Center Director
“Through Marin Quality Counts (MQC) I have greatly benefited from Optimistic Leaders and Powerful Interactions in the Mutual Learning Communities. These two classes have changed the way I treat families and children. The skills learned and practiced have made a difference in the way I teach daily. I feel like a better trained teacher in providing high-quality care. These classes are the best I’ve ever taken in my entire life. The facilitators are talented and understanding of the participants’ different abilities and cultures.” FCCH Owner