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Modoc Child Care Resource & Referral - A Division of T.E.A.C.H., Inc.
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County Program Profile: Glenn, Lassen, Modoc, Shasta, Tehama, and Trinity Consortium
Time Period: 2022–2023
QRIS :: Quality Counts North State (QCNS)
Quality Counts North State unites six Northern California counties: Glenn, Lassen, Modoc, Shasta, Tehama, and Trinity. Shasta County Office of Education and First 5 Shasta act as the grant leads for this multi-county consortium. We are part of the statewide Quality Counts California initiative, contributing to a higher standard of early care and education. Our mission is to boost the region’s childcare quality and educate the community on its importance. Our vision is to ensure the highest quality early care and education for all children while helping the community recognize and locate quality providers. Providers committed to excellence can join us on a journey of continuous quality improvement and receive a variety of support and resources.
County Contact Information
Alexis Duffy
Funding Streams
- F5CA IMPACT Legacy Lead (First 5 Shasta)
- CDSS QCC Quality Improvement Grant Lead(Shasta County Office of Education)
- CDE CSPP QRIS Block Grant Lead (Shasta County Office of Education) CDSS Workforce Pathway Grant Leads (Shasta COE, Tehama CDE, & Glenn COE)
Partner Agencies
- First 5 Glenn
- First 5 Lassen
- First 5 Modoc
- First 5 Shasta
- First 5 Tehama
- First 5 Trinity
- Glenn COE
- Lassen COE
- Modoc COE
- Shasta COE
- Tehama CDE
- Trinity COE
- Shasta Head Start and Early Head Start
- Sierra Cascade Family Opportunities
- Glenn CAFS, Region 2 CPIN
- Region 2 PITC
Process to Outreach/Onboard Programs and Providers
Quality Counts North State (QCNS) uses a systemic approach to assess, improve, and communicate the level of quality in early care and education programs. Early childhood education providers interested in joining QCNS can apply online at The Local Coordinator in each county can help by answering any questions. Contact information for each county,Local Coordinator can be found on the QCNS website. Once a provider has applied, the Local Coordinator will contact them to schedule an orientation and get them started on their quality journey.
Quality Improvement Program Support Strategies
By participating in Quality Counts North State (QCNS), early care and education providers embark on a path of continuous quality improvement. QCNS participants are eligible for all professional development training offered by QCNS and by the Region 2 Hub. Once a provider has completed an application to join QCNS, they will receive a Quality Counts Orientation from QCNS staff. They then begin monthly mentor coach visits. The mentor coach will help the provider explore potential areas for improvement and develop a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP). Mentor coaches continue to meet with providers on a regular basis to monitor progress toward QIP goals and to help establish new goals toward quality improvement.
Local Approach to Offering Financial Incentives and Stipends
Quality Counts North State (QCNS) participants are able to earn allocation funds and stipends that can be used for professional development expenses and non-consumable materials to improve their indoor and outdoor environments. QCNS also offers a scholarship program for participants working on obtaining ECE units and degrees in ECE or closely related fields. In addition, QCNS offers an annual competative conference sponsorship opportunity. Participants are also connected with stipend opportunties through the Workforce Pathways Grant.
How Children Are Served by QCC
QCC Settings
Children Served by Setting
Overall Child Characteristics and Services Provided
Children’s Races and Ethnicities
QCC Tier Rating Distribution
Language Spoken with Children
“Dear Quality Counts North State, Thank you so much for the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful program. The QRIS program has been substantial in providing enrichment to our children in our program. The quality toys that I have been able to purchase with the grant from the QRIS program has enabled me to fulfill my backyard play space for the children in my care for all areas of their development. Large and small motor development. Science, dramatic play, literacy, music, art and math.”
Family Child Care Provider
Success Story
An Administrator from Glenn County Office of Education shared: Dear Quality Counts North State, The grant we received has been a wonderful help to our childcare program. In the past we had very little money for new toys or materials; the grant has provided our facilities with up-to-date toys and books for the children. We are also very pleased that our teachers are receiving regular mentoring sessions. We have already seen positive effects from the mentoring sessions. Thank you.