San Bernardino
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County Program Profile: San Bernardino
Time Period: 2022–2023
QRIS :: Quality Start San Bernardino (QSSB)
Quality Start San Bernardino also known as (QSSB) is our county’s Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) and it’s designed to help child care programs, preschools, and alternative school-settings, provide the highest quality early learning experiences possible. QSSB supports quality in early learning by:
- Establishing standards that define what quality means and what it looks like for early care and education programs.
- Measuring programs using these standards. So, there is a rating matrix given by the state that the raters use to measure these standards.
- Offering and connecting educators to professional development opportunities.
- Helping parents and caregivers find quality programs for their children.
QSSB is a quality rating and improvement system that supports and increases quality early learning experiences by defining standards of quality, using these standards to rate programs, connecting educators to growth opportunities, and increasing access to quality programs for children 0-5.
County Contact Information
Ana Garcia & Erika Willhite
Ana-909-386-2620, Erika 909-252-4262
Funding Streams
- CDE QRIS CSPP Block Grant
- First 5 CA IMPACT Legacy QCC Block Grant
Partner Agencies
- First 5 SB CCRC California State University San Bernardino
- San Bernardino County Preschool Services Department
Process to Outreach/Onboard Programs and Providers
QSSB stands committed to enhancing the quality of childcare programs, preschools, and alternative school-readiness programs. We continue to outreach at different community events, educational events and directly to our CSPP participating agencies. We also conduct outreach throughout all trainings, meetings and network opportunities. We have continued to establish great relationships with our CSPP administrators that value the work that we do and so they are always eager and willing to add additional sites to the Quality Start program.
Quality Improvement Program Support Strategies
QSSB is a program that recognizes your commitment to creating the best early learning experiences possible. QSSB partners are dedicated to creating opportunities and supporting your efforts to increase the level of quality in your child care center or family child care home. If you are selected to participate in QSSB:
- You will receive professional quality improvement support in the form of one-on-one coaching.
- You will have access to professional development opportunities.
- You will be part of a large collaborative effort with opportunities to network, build relationships, and share best practices with likeminded providers.
- You will be eligible for incentives to help improve your environment and overall quality of your program. Our quality improvement support strategies.
Local Approach to Offering Financial Incentives and Stipends
The Quality Start San Bernardino (QSSB) approach to offering financial incentives are tiered incentives and achievement awards.
How Children Are Served by QCC
QCC Settings
Children Served by Setting
Overall Child Characteristics and Services Provided
Children’s Races and Ethnicities
QCC Tier Rating Distribution
Language Spoken with Children
Participating early childhood educators shared successes in their program as a result of their participation in QSSB through an end of the year participant survey. Observations included:
“Having the support of a coach has helped me be more confident and secure with my abilities to take care of children under my care. If I’m not sure what to do in a challenging situation, I can call my coach for advice and she’s always willing to help and advise me.”
~Family child care program“Participating in QSSB has allowed me to provide materials and tools to expose children to fun, hands on experiences they may not experience at home, promoting developmental growth. It made it easy for me to complete my professional growth hours.”
~Center-based program teacher“Definitely [QSSB has made a difference] in my program because I got the tools that Head Start and State Preschool have, so I can offer that to my parents so they don’t have to look outside for those supports. Which is hard when you have a special needs kid and they are not Head Start, so you know they‚ are not going to get speech therapy, you know they‚are not going to get those tools that are available at State Preschool and Head Start … so that’s the biggest thing.”
Family Child Care Provider Focus Group Participant
Success Story
PROGRAM SPOTLIGHT – Alternative Sites
QSSB has made a concerted effort to recruit and support alternative sites – Home Visiting (HV) Programs and Family Resource Centers (FRC), specifically. A review of Quality Improvement Plans developed with alternative sites shows that QSSB serves as a connection between the HV and FRC programs and professional development. QSSB coaches accomplish this by:
- Connecting home visiting staff and EHS home-based teachers to the California ECE Workforce Registry
- Sharing information on community trainings available to staff
- Providing on-site training such as Pre-K CLASS overview for Parent Education Center staff
- Providing support for permit upgrades