San Diego
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County Program Profile: San Diego
Time Period: 2022–2023
QRIS :: San Diego Quality Preschool Initiative
San Diego’s comprehensive Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) reaches a variety of program types, including center-based preschools and infant/toddler programs as well as family child care homes. This is the result of San Diego County’s long history of working toward continually improving quality in early care and education programs. With community input, the county has been guided and funded in such improvements, starting initially in 2006 through First 5 San Diego’s Preschool for All program, later through the Quality Preschool Initiative, and more recently through California Department of Education Quality Grants and locally funded private/nonprofit quality grants. These efforts have focused on improving school achievement by providing children, especially in their critical first five years of life, with the kinds of early education experiences they need to do well in school and beyond.
County Contact Information
Eunice Munro
Funding Streams
- First 5 San Diego
- Quality Preschool Initiative
- Local Partnership Grant
Partner Agencies
- San Diego County Office of Education
- First 5 San Diego
- Local Planning Commission
- Institutions of Higher Education
- Resource & Referral/Alternative Payment/Foster Bridge: YMCA Childcare Resource Service (CRS)
- R&R
- Child Development Associates
- Community Care and Licensing
- Tribal Nations
Process to Outreach/Onboard Programs and Providers
The San Diego Quality Preschool Initiative (SDQPI) engages a variety of program settings in its Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS), for children birth to 5, including licensed center-based, family child care home and license-exempt Trust-line early learning and care environments. In its role as a vital resource for quality early learning, San Diego’s QRIS measures and rates the quality of participating early care and education programs. Most importantly, the SDCOE Early Education Department promotes support to early childhood education providers the ability to use their ratings and select high-quality professional development, coaching and other professional growth activities to ensure continuous improvement. Providers may select to participate in SDQPI to develop a Quality Improvement Plan and make improvements. Engaging in having a site rating is optional, though encouraged. All providers actively engaged in SDQPI are providers who value and focus on providing your child with quality early learning opportunities in the environment you select for your child. The recruitment activities happen in conjunction with our R&R on a continual basis throughout the year.
Quality Improvement Program Support Strategies
The Quality Improvement programs are inclusive of supports provided in a differentiated level based on need. These local efforts include coaching, professional development, financial support (stipends), incentives and materials, Community of Practice (CoP) participation, Health/Wellness/Nutrition Programming, funding support per designated grants, technology and online platform support, Trainer of Trainer (ToT) support based on program offerings.
Local Approach to Offering Financial Incentives and Stipends
All who are participating and meet specific requirements will be receiving a base stipend with an additional extra percentage based on ratings through the First 5 San Diego Learn Well Initiative. The Workforce Registry offers an incentive to those who actively participate in professional development activities that have been vetted and registered to count toward the annual professional development requirements. Additional material incentives are provided to those who qualify within the specific guidelines of their programs and qualifying criteria.
How Children Are Served by QCC
QCC Settings
Children Served by Setting
Overall Child Characteristics and Services Provided
Children’s Races and Ethnicities
QCC Tier Rating Distribution
Language Spoken with Children
“Hello Everyone, I am forwarding an email we received this morning after our CPI Center Teams began receiving their Hazard-pay Stipends. Our teachers, Chef Teams and Center Support Teams are so thankful. Many were reduced to tears as their loved ones have seen hours but or have been laid off altogether. Many are relying upon Food Drives or SNAP and EBT for the first time in their lives. So sad but also inspiring as they have not skipped a beat in their work with children and families.”
“I wanted to send out another thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for all the support First Five and SDCOE provided our staff and centers during this COVID-19 pandemic. It started with access to the Dr. Ernie workshop that were made available to all staff; he has such an amazing ability to make you feel calm and at ease even when the whole world is turned upside down. The staff walked away feeling rejuvenated, with tools to help them navigate the stress and anxiety they have been feeling. After that we received a very generous amount of funding to purchase extra materials and supplies, to support a safe and healthy classroom environment. The teachers were overwhelmed with happiness at the amount of materials they received, and it has made it very easy to swap out supplies without having to dilute the amount of choices the children have in the classroom. We have been able to continue to provide children access to the materials needed to support their growth and development!”
“This money helps ease the anxieties some of us who are dealing with such as spousal layoffs, cut hours, time away from our children, etc…From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for getting us this most important funding, but mostly thank you for recognizing our efforts and hard work during this uncertain time.”
Success Story
The provider shared that through a conversation during a “Provider Stakeholder Meeting,” “…she has really come to understand what a ‘quality’ preschool is. She understands the ‘why’ behind things—she gave examples that in the past she would just play music to play music and now she understands being mindful and purposeful in selecting the music and time that is played. She has also learned the importance of having different areas set up within a classroom (including a quite space). Another example was with regards to learning activities and her gained awareness of developmental levels and scaffolding of learning. Terri shared that having coaching conversations with you has inspired her to do the same with her staff. She takes in the information/resources you share with her and then shares them with her staff. She now understands the importance of maintaining up to date physicals and the importance of hearing and vision screenings. She shared that one of the children she serves was found to have hearing loss which was discovered through the screening. It was just so exciting and refreshing to hear her speak about all of the wonderful things she has learned and is implementing. She was thrilled to share with us that her site was rated. They received a Tier 2 and she has plans to continue to improve (having the teachers apply for permits, having a plan to implement the ASQ screenings).”