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Community Child Care Council of Sonoma County
Contact your local Child Care Resource and Referral Agency using the website information here to access the child care search tool or call 1-800-KIDS-793 (1-800-543-7793) for more information and support.
County Program Profile: Sonoma
Time Period: 2022–2023
QRIS :: Quality Counts
Quality Counts is the Quality Rating and Improvement System (QIRS) for early care and education programs in Sonoma County. Funded by First 5 California, First 5 Sonoma County, and the California Department of Education, Quality Counts helps improve early care and education in our community by:
- Giving early educators valuable tools and one-on-one coaching for improving their programs.
- Establishing uniform standards of excellence in early care.
- Assisting parents to make well-informed decisions about the quality of care their children receive.
- Improving outcomes for children who attend higher-quality care throughout Sonoma County.
Quality is rated using the CA-QRIS Quality Continuum Framework Rating Matrix and additional local rating guidelines for achieving Tier 5.
County Contact Information
Natalie Wright
Funding Streams
- CDE QRIS Block Grant
- CDE I/T Block Grant
- First 5 CA IMPACT
- First 5 Sonoma County Prop 10 funds
Partner Agencies
- Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County
Process to Outreach/Onboard Programs and Providers
Outreach is conducted via informational meetings from local resource and referral agencies (R&Rs); workshops and individual referrals at R&Rs; referrals from local partner Early Learning Institute; conferences and local events; and partner websites.
Quality Improvement Program Support Strategies
Each site is assigned a coach who checks in monthly and then twice a year after rating. Trainings and resources are shared via email, websites, and on Facebook.
Local Approach to Offering Financial Incentives and Stipends
Sites receive incentives after rating based on tier level. Providers receive gift card incentives at trainings. Providers participate in the CARES program to receive support for professional development and education. First 5 offers mini-grants for sites just getting started or to fund a specific project.
How Children Are Served by QCC
QCC Settings
Children Served by Setting
Overall Child Characteristics and Services Provided
Children’s Races and Ethnicities
QCC Tier Rating Distribution
Language Spoken with Children
“The ability to support early childhood educators on being their absolute best is something I am proud of. Working towards making the standard higher by using recognized tools (ERS & CLASS) coupled with coaches who care so very much makes it a wonderful program to be a part of.”
Success Story
A Center Director shared: Our program has been rated twice and both times were rated at 5 stars, which was very validating for staff. The biggest accomplishment for us was the ability to move forward with NAEYC Accreditation. The process took us about 18 months and was an excellent way for staff to work together to look at our program’s strengths and weaknesses. We have felt really good about achieving this accreditation and maintaining it. We are hopeful that support will be continued for NAEYC so that preschools and child care centers can work towards the highest standards of quality.
A Provider shared: Children in every Quality Counts Program are now being screened with the Ages and Stages Questionnaire—providers better understand the screening and parents better understand the results.
A Provider shared: We have built a network where assessments are valued, coaches are supports, and providers are empowered thereby strengthening the ECE community collaboration in this county.