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County Program Profile: Tuolumne
Time Period: 2022–2023
QRIS :: Quality Counts Tuolumne County
Quality Counts Tuolumne serves Early Learning and Care programs in the county of Tuolumne and is administered by First 5 Tuolumne. Participating sites choose from a variety of options to set annual goals for quality improvement. Rating is optional for most sites, with the primary focus being on flexible, responsive strategies to assist teachers in raising quality. Quality Counts Tuolumne measures several elements of program quality, including:
(1) Child Development and School Readiness
(2) Teachers and Teaching
(3) Program and Environment
Programs may be eligible to receive site stipends, training opportunities, coaching, and teacher stipends for professional development and progress toward a permit or child development degree.
County Contact Information
Sarah Garcia
(209) 536-2070
Funding Streams
- First 5 CA
- IMPACT Legacy
- Region 3 Hub resources
- Small Population County Augmentation
- California Dept. of Education
- CSPP QRIS Block Grant
- QCC Block Grant
- Workforce Development Pathways Grant
Partner Agencies
- Infant Child Enrichment Services
- Tuolumne County Superintendent of Schools
- Columbia College
- Amador-Tuolumne Community Action Agency- Head Start
Process to Outreach/Onboard Programs and Providers
Every site in Tuolumne County that provides early childhood education and care to children birth to age five is eligible to participate. All licensed and license-exempt preschools, licensed Family Child Care Homes, and home visiting/family support sites are contacted at the beginning of the year with a letter explaining the program, with follow-up phone calls. Most sites that have signed up return each year. We work hard to make the options feasible for sites to participate. We are now also accepting Family Friend and Neighbor caregivers into the program and will contact them through our R & R as well as community partners. We accept all applications up to the end of December of each year. We encourage late applicants to apply the next year.
Quality Improvement Program Support Strategies
“We have three approaches to support quality improvement. 1. Rated sites develop an annual Quality Improvement Plan, directly linked to their previous rating, that supports moving forward on the rating matrix or maintaining excellence. Block Grants or Quality Improvement Stipends provide monetary resources. We also support coaching and help organize training as needed. 2. Non-rated sites develop an annual Quality Improvement Plan from a menu of choices. Sites are then supported through the year in achieving completion of their action steps toward their goals. Coaching and training resources are provided. 3. Individual teachers and staff members that work at participating sites are eligible to earn stipends for completing units toward an ECE degree or for other types of approved professional development activities. “
Local Approach to Offering Financial Incentives and Stipends
We offer both site stipends and individual stipends. We have a seamless system for providers in providing these through four different funding sources (IMPACT 2020, CDE CSPP QRIS Block Grant, QCC-PDG-R Block Grant, and Workforce Development Pathways Grant). The sites and the teachers do not know the funding source when they receive their stipend check. Site stipends include Block Grants and Quality Improvement Stipends. Sites must have a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) and show progress made at year end in order to earn the stipend. The QIP is specific to each site and reflects an area of QRIS focus that they want to work on that year. Site stipend amounts (or Block Grants) are set at the beginning of the year, depending on the budget. Teachers/staff who work at sites enrolled in Quality Counts can also earn individual stipends. These can be earned for eligible college units, professional development (in person or online), or coaching hours/assignments outside of paid work time. Individual stipend amounts are set at the beginning of the year, depending on the budget. Family Child Care Providers and FFN caregivers only earn one stipend. The stipends have proven to be a major motivation for teachers to remain engaged in the Quality Counts program.
How Children Are Served by QCC
QCC Settings
Children Served by Setting
Overall Child Characteristics and Services Provided
Children’s Races and Ethnicities
QCC Tier Rating Distribution
Language Spoken with Children
“B’s coaching through Coaching Companion and classroom visits served to inform and come alongside me as a teacher as I learned more about the serving the emotional needs of my students. Through B’s encouragement and resources, such as solution cards and bracelets, my class was able to understand the ins and outs of problem solving and finding solutions. I was able to support them emotionally, give them more responsibility and the tools to do so. B was always available to answer questions and support wherever needed, and my students LOVED her classroom visits. Through Coaching Companion, she added thoughtful videos and discussions that related to my work in order to get me thinking and aid in my education of emotional literacy in myself and my students. All around, B helped us to create a more inviting, peaceful and emotionally secure classroom.”