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Children’s Home Society of California
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County Program Profile: Sutter, Colusa and Yuba Consortium
Time Period: 2022–2023
QRIS :: Keys to Quality
Keys to Quality is a regional Quality Improvement System (QRIS) serving Yuba, Sutter, and Colusa Counties. Keys to Quality is administered by the Child Care Planning Council of Yuba & Sutter Counties through Yuba County Office of Education. Keys to Quality supports over 100 sites on their journey of continuous quality improvement, recognizing the importance of education, relationships, and the environment in early childhood settings. Keys to Quality ratings of state preschool programs consists of five levels and two categories: Engaged in Quality Improvement and Demonstrating Quality. Keys to Quality programs receive coaching, training, resources, and incentives for participation.
County Contact Information
Tonya Byers
Funding Streams
- CDE QRIS Block Grant
- CDSS QCC Grant
- CDSS Workforce Pathways Grant
- First 5 CA IMPACT Legacy
- Local First 5 Commissions
Partner Agencies
- First 5 Yuba
- Sutter County Children & Families Commission
- First 5 Colusa
- Children’s Home Society of California
- Sutter County Superintendent of Schools
- Yuba County Office of Education
- Yuba College
Process to Outreach/Onboard Programs and Providers
Keys to Quality outreaches to programs through a variety of strategies, including the Local Planning Council website, local resource and referral agency, local stakeholder meetings and events, mailings, email/web-based marketing, and partner agencies. Providers who inquire about participation are contacted and an initial meeting is held to determine the best level of engagement. Once a level of service has been established, resources and supports are provided immediately.
Quality Improvement Program Support Strategies
Quality improvement strategies for all types of sites include a variety of training, coaching, and assistance including materials and resources that support site plans and identified needs. Sites at higher tiers are supported to develop peer-based mentoring/coaching communities.
Local Approach to Offering Financial Incentives and Stipends
Financial and material incentives are provided for sites/providers engaged in quality improvement. Individual professional development stipends are offered through the local Workforce Pathways Stipend Program.
How Children Are Served by QCC
QCC Settings
Children Served by Setting
Overall Child Characteristics and Services Provided
Children’s Races and Ethnicities
QCC Tier Rating Distribution
Language Spoken with Children
The program has been very helpful in gaining new skills to support a child’s development and through the use of appropriate materials. The coach’s support is the most helpful!
Family Child Care Provider
Success Story
A State Preschool Director shared: I whole-heartedly appreciate and am grateful for our local Keys to Quality Program. We have approximately 60 staff participating who value the many benefits‚ not only coaching, but the high-quality professional development. Engaging in reflective practices with regards to the matrix elements has allowed us to deepen our understanding of how to provide the highest quality of services to our children and their families. More importantly, I think the Keys to Quality program has inspired us to really practice and become lifelong learners where we examine our craft and continuously reach for our goals.